Are you passionate about the future of our organization? Do you have innovative ideas and a strong desire to make a difference? Do you know somebody else who does? Now is the perfect time to step up and take a leadership role by nominating yourself or someone you believe in to be a part of the Board of Directors.
Serving on the Board of Directors gives you the unique opportunity to actively influence the direction of our organization.The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the organization’s operations and shapes our goals and strategies for growth. Members of the board are also dedicated to our mission to make a positive and significant contribution to the professional and personal growth for Greater Las Vegas culinarians through education, apprenticeship and certification, while creating a fraternal bond of respect and integrity among professional culinarians.
Interested in submitting a nomination? Here’s all you need to know…
- October 31, 2023 – Deadline to submit your nomination(s).
- Nominees will be reviewed to ensure they are current members in good standing, slated for next steps at the November 8 Board of Directors meeting.
- November 15, 2023 (by this date, could be earlier) – All final candidates will be announced on the chapter website with a link to place your vote electronically.
- Please note, moving forward we will no longer send a letter via USPS. All nominations and voting must be submitted electronically.
- November 30, 2023 – Final day to cast your vote.
- December TBD, 2023 – Winners will be announced at the chapter holiday meeting and on electronic communications shortly thereafter. The December board meeting will be announced soon.
Open Positions, Responsibilities, and Commitments:
Open positions for which you may nominate a candidate. Read the Bylaws for a description of the responsibilities for each position.
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- Board Member at Large (up to 4 seats available)
The newly elected board members will serve a term of two years in the selected position beginning January 1, 2024. Officers have an option to run for a second two-year term but are limited to four consecutive years total serving in the same position. They may run for another position or seat on the board.
Submitting a nomination is easy and can be done online. If you wish to nominate multiple candidates, you will need to fill out this form separately for each candidate. You will be asked to provide the name of the candidate (you may nominate yourself), what position you think they are best suited for, and why. When providing your why, consider the following:
- Statements should be short, describing how the nominee meets the criteria and using a sample(s).
- Demonstrate the nominee’s benefit to the culinary community, locally, state-wide, regional or at the national level.
- Demonstrate achievements of the nominee and why the person is being nominated for the specific board position.
- Demonstrate the qualities (attitude, support provided, initiative) the nominee possesses to carry out this leadership role.
- Demonstrate evidence of innovation, initiative or obstacles that nominee has had to overcome to achieve outstanding outcomes.
Remember – serving on the Board of Directors is not just a responsibility, it’s an opportunity to be a catalyst for positive change. Your ideas, passion, and dedication can drive our organization to new heights.
Don’t let the chance to be the change pass you by. Nominate yourself or someone you believe in today!